
New Provision For Trekking In Nepal

To enhance the safety and security of visitors exploring Nepal's mountainous protected areas, the Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) has introduced vital revisions to the Trekking Information Management System (TIMS). Under this new provision, all trekkers are now required to enlist the services of licensed trekking guides and obtain a TIMS Card through authorized trekking agencies registered with the Government of Nepal. Effective from March 31, 2023, this decision, reached after extensive consultations with trekking and expedition stakeholders as well as relevant trade unions in Nepal, aims to mitigate potential risks such as getting lost during treks, health emergencies, or natural disasters. By ensuring trekkers have access to a professional support system, it bolsters our ability to address challenges during rescue operations in unforeseen circumstances.

Beyond enhancing safety, this forward-looking provision has a broader positive impact. It contributes to employment generation within Nepal's tourism sector while discouraging unauthorized trekking activities in the country. The TIMS Card fees have been adjusted to NPR 1000.00 for SAARC citizens and NPR 2000.00 for international visitors, with the existing provisions for Diplomatic Missions in Nepal unchanged, though accompanied by a licensed guide. Detailed guidelines will be made available shortly. NTB is optimistic that these measures will pave the way for sustainable, responsible, and eco-friendly tourism in Nepal's enchanting Himalayan region.

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