Home > Expedition > Upper Mustang Trek

Upper Mustang Trek

4.6 (43)
Mustang Region
21+ booked
19 days
Highest Elevation
3,840 m / 12,598 ft
0 yrs

Tour Overview

The Upper Mustang Trek is an exotic and adventurous journey through the hidden valleys and ancient villages of the Mustang region. This trek takes you to the heart of the once-forbidden kingdom of Mustang, which was opened to the outside world only in 1992. The Mustang region is a remote and arid region in the north-central part of Nepal, bordering Tibet. The trek offers stunning views of the snow-capped peaks of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges, and takes you through a landscape of barren hills, deep canyons, and fascinating rock formations. The region is also known for its unique Tibetan culture, which is still very much alive and well.

The Upper Mustang Trek is a challenging and remote trek that takes you to some of the most beautiful and culturally rich parts of Nepal. The trek starts with a flight or drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara, followed by a flight to Jomsom, the starting point of the trek. From Jomsom, the trek follows the Kali Gandaki River upstream, passing through picturesque villages and ancient monasteries. The trail gradually climbs higher, crossing several high passes and taking you to the walled city of Lo Manthang, the capital of the former kingdom of Mustang. Here, you can explore the fascinating culture and history of the region, and visit the monasteries and temples that have been preserved for centuries.

The Upper Mustang Trek is a unique and unforgettable experience that offers a rare glimpse into a remote and mysterious region of Nepal. The trek takes you through some of the most spectacular landscapes in the world, and offers a chance to experience a unique culture and way of life that has remained largely unchanged for centuries. This trek is ideal for those who are looking for an adventure in a remote and challenging environment, and for those who want to experience the rich cultural heritage of Nepal.

Tour Highlights

  • Exploring the ancient walled city of Lo Manthang and its fascinating Tibetan culture and architecture.
  • Trekking through the dramatic landscapes of the Mustang region, including the Kali Gandaki Canyon and the barren, windswept plateaus of the Tibetan plateau.
  • Visiting the sacred Muktinath temple and experiencing the unique blend of Hindu and Buddhist traditions in the region.
  • Witnessing the traditional lifestyle of the people of Mustang, who have preserved their unique culture and traditions for centuries in this remote and isolated region.


Day 1: Arrival In Kathmandu & Transfer To The Hotel

Your journey begins with your arrival in Kathmandu, Nepal's vibrant capital. The city's energy envelops you as you step onto its streets, setting the tone for the adventure ahead.

Day 2: Preparation Day & Sightseeing Around Kathmandu

Today is dedicated to preparing for your upcoming trek and exploring Kathmandu's historical and cultural treasures. Ancient temples and bustling markets offer glimpses into Nepal's rich heritage.

Day 3: Drive/Fly From Kathmandu To Pokhara (5-6 Hours By Drive/30 Minutes By Flight)
Leaving the city behind, you journey to Pokhara, a tranquil lakeside town nestled amidst the Annapurna range. The landscapes change as you venture closer to the mountains.
Day 4: Fly From Pokhara To Jomssom (2760m) & Trek To Kagbeni (2810m)

A scenic flight takes you to Jomsom, where your trek commences. The unique desert-like landscapes of Mustang become evident as you make your way to Kagbeni.

Day 5: Trek From Kagbeni To Chukshang (2920m)
The trek leads you through picturesque villages and arid terrains, highlighting the region's distinct beauty. The stark contrast to other trekking areas adds a sense of novelty to your journey.
Day 6: Trek From Chukshang To Samar (3290m)
As you ascend, the Himalayan scenery comes into view. The sense of being in a remote and less-traveled area adds an element of exploration to your trek.
Day 7: Trek From Samar To Gelling (3440m) Via Chungsi Gompa
The trail takes you to Gelling via the serene Chungsi Gompa. The spiritual atmosphere of the monastery blends with the rugged landscapes, creating a unique ambiance.
Day 8: Trek From Gelling To Tsarang (3490m)
Your journey continues as you make your way to Tsarang. The ancient village holds cultural and historical significance, and the landscapes are a testament to Mustang's unique charm.
Day 9: Trek From Tsarang To Lo Manthang (3840m) Via Lo Gekar (3825m)
Today's trail takes you to Lo Manthang, the capital of Mustang. The cultural treasures and the stunning landscapes make for an unforgettable arrival.
Day 10: Explore Lo Manthang: Visit Chhosar, Chonup, Namgyal, Etc.
A day is dedicated to exploring the wonders of Lo Manthang. Visits to Chhosar, Chonup, Namgyal, and other local sites immerse you in Mustang's rich cultural tapestry.
Day 11: Trek From Lo Manthang To Dakmar (3820m) Via Ghar Gompa
As you bid farewell to Lo Manthang, you trek to Dakmar via Ghar Gompa. The remote trails and the sense of being off the beaten path continue to define your experience.
Day 12: Trek From Dakmar To Syangbochen
Your journey leads you to Syangbochen, surrounded by the majestic Himalayas. The contrasts between the arid landscapes and the snow-capped peaks create a unique visual spectacle.
Day 13: Trek From Syangbochen To Chuksang
The descent takes you to Chuksang, as you retrace your steps towards the completion of your circuit. The sense of accomplishment and the memories of the journey accompany you.
Day 14: Trek From Chuksang To Muktinath (3800m)
Today's trek takes you to Muktinath, a spiritual site of great significance. The blend of natural beauty and religious importance adds depth to your experience.
Day 15: Trek From Muktinath To Jomsom (Via Kagbeni)
As your trek nears its end, you make your way to Jomsom via Kagbeni. The landscapes and the cultural encounters create a sense of nostalgia for the journey.
Day 16: Fly/Drive From Jomsom To Pokhara (822m)
A flight or drive takes you back to Pokhara, where the comforts of the lakeside town provide a contrast to the rugged terrains you've traversed.
Day 17: Fly/Drive From Pokhara To Kathmandu (1400m)
The journey completes as you return to Kathmandu. The memories of the Mustang landscapes and the cultural experiences linger, as you reconnect with the city's energy.
Day 18: Rest Day In Kathmandu
A well-deserved rest day allows you to reflect on your adventure and savor the experiences you've collected. You can revisit your favorite spots in Kathmandu or simply relax.
Day 19: Departure From Kathmandu Tribhuwan International Airport
With your heart filled with memories and experiences, you bid farewell to Nepal. The Upper Mustang Trek has left an indelible mark, and as you depart, you carry the spirit of exploration and adventure with you.

Tour Map

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